Conference | 7-10 September 2021
On September 7th, 9h00 (CET), Mirna Gržanić (ICENT) will be presenting her paper “A review of practical aspects of existing TSO-DSO coordination mechanisms in Europe and proposal of an innovative hybrid model in ATTEST project”.
The event agenda is available online.
IEEE EEEIC is an international forum for the exchange of ideas and information on energy systems both today and in the future. The conference provides a unique opportunity for industry to interact directly with university researchers, manufacturers and distributors of energy equipment and to discuss a wide variety of topics related to energy systems and environmental issues. The conference is technically and financially sponsored and organized by IEEE Italy Section.
The scope of the Conference is to promote a forum, where researchers and engineers involved with electrical power systems may exchange their experiences and present solutions found for present and future problems. The conference offers prominent academia and industrial practitioners from all over the world the forum for discussion about the future of electrical energy and environmental issues and presents a base for identifying directions for continuation of research.