










The performance platform for
smarter energy systems.

Incorporating flexibility in the grid

Future power generation scenarios for the UK

Future power generation scenarios for Croatia

Future power generation scenarios for Portugal

Predictive management tools for the integrated operation of networks

TSO/DSO Coordination Mechanisms

ATTEST Market Simulator Architecture

Day-ahead Aggregators Tool​

Real-time Aggregators Tool


A novel two-stage TSO–DSO coordination approach for managing congestion and voltages

The Role of Hydrogen Electrolysers in the Frequency Containment Reserve: A Case Study in the Iberian Peninsula up to 2040

A practical approach to flexibility provision assessment in an unobservable distribution network

Real-time management of distributed multi-energy resources in multi-energy networks

ATTEST project: Tools for Ancillary Service Procurement in Day Ahead Operation and Real-Time Activation in Distribution Grids

Convex Polar Second-Order Taylor Approximation of AC Power Flows: A Unit Commitment Study

Transmission Expansion Planning Model

Envisioning security control in renewable dominated power systems through stochastic multi-period AC security constrained optimal power flow

Network-secure bidding optimization of aggregators of multi-energy systems in electricity, gas, and carbon markets

Three Solution Approaches to Stochastic Multi-Period AC Optimal Power Flow in Active Distribution Systems

A Novel Tractable Methodlogy to Stochastic Multi-Period AC OPF in Active Distribution Systems using Sequential Linearization Algorithm

Solving Bilevel AC OPF Problems by Smoothing the Complementary Conditions – Part I: Model Description and the Algorithm

Solving Bilevel AC OPF Problems by Smoothing the Complementary Conditions – Part II: Solution Techniques and Case Study

A Tractable Linearization-Based Approximated Solution Methodology to Stochastic Multi-Period AC Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow

Solving Bilevel Optimal Bidding Problems Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Tracing, Ranking and Valuation of Aggregated DER Flexibility in Active Distribution Networks

A geographic information system-based modelling, analysing and visualising of low voltage networks: The potential of demand time-shifting in the power quality improvement

Transmission Expansion Planning using a Highly Accurate AC Optimal Power Flow Approximation

Benefits of an Advanced AC OPF Model in the Croatian Transmission Network


Planning of TSO-DSO Shared Technologies - INESC TEC P&E #17

Operational aspects of TSO-DSO coordination – Project ATTEST - INESC TEC P&E #17

Power Network Investment Planning Considering Deep Uncertainty - INESC TEC P&E #16

Advances in tractable methodologies to solve optimal power flow in transmission and distribution systems - INESC TEC P&E #16

A Novel Two-Stage Tractable Approach to Multi-Period Optimal Power Flow in Smart Grids - ISGT 2022

Advanced Tools Towards cost-efficient decarbonisation of future reliable Energy SysTems_EPRI 2023

Flexibility and Resilience in Future Low-Carbon Energy Systems - PMAPS 2022

ATTEST Project - MIPRO 2022

ATTEST: Coordination mechanism between system operators- MIPRO 2022

ATTEST: Day advance tools and real time - MIPRO 2022

Challenges in the smart networks application - MIPRO 2021

Conceptual framework of the TSO/DSO coordination - EASY RES

Transmission Expansion Planning using a Highly Accurate AC Optimal Power Flow Approximation

A review of practical aspects of existing TSO-DSO coordination mechanisms in Europe - EEEIC2021

Academia versus real-world in optimizing power system operation - KU Leuven 2021

Storage and Grids - DERlab 2020

Development of energy infrastructure - INTERREG 2020

Techno-Economic Modelling and Assessment of Forward Resilience Measures - CIGRE