The ATTEST team participated in the EPRI European Workshop Week in Vienna, Austria, between the 14th...

Planning Module
This tool will produce flexible, adaptive network investment strategies that take advantage of demand side flexibility for the provision of network support (i.e., procured by the DSO in ancillary services markets) as a means to maximise network capacity, also considering environmental (e.g., increased losses) and economic impacts (e.g., network support for customers to partake in the markets).
This tool will develop optimized strategies for the transmission network to be adaptively upgraded in consideration of the new sources of uncertainty and flexibility that may emerge in different areas of the network, e.g., distributed RES, storage and MES at the demand side.
This tool will assess the benefits from the installation of TSO/DSO shared technologies (e.g. storage devices) to be managed in a coordinated way to simultaneously provide flexibility to both distribution and transmission networks, thus contributing to postpone investments in assets replacement/reinforcement.

Asset Management Module
This tool will characterize and model the life of important network asset components, such as power transformers, exploring techniques that include the characterization of the reliability using fault history and the characterization of the mean time to repair based on the history of maintenance actions, while also taking into account patterns for component behaviour and condition collected from sensors and utilization rates.
This tool will incorporate an innovative approach to translate the results obtained from the previous tool into a set of harmonised, easily measurable and comparable life indicators for different types of assets, which will allow determining the remaining useful life and the underlying sensitivities against different operation conditions.
This tool will define common approaches to evaluate the assets under different perspectives (operation, maintenance, cost, impact) resulting in asset priority lists. Smart strategies for asset management based on the previous asset evaluation and common life indicators will also be developed. Finally, the outputs of this tool will be embedded in the grid planning and operation tools available in the toolbox to allow optimized decisions taking into account not only CAPEX but also OPEX costs.
Operation Module
This tool will support the DSO on the procurement of ancillary services (for voltage control and congestion management) to mitigate renewables uncertainty and ensure that the network capacity is never exceeded during the real-time operation stage. The outputs of the TSO/DSO coordination mechanisms that will run in parallel with the market simulator will define constraints for this tool to avoid that TSOs and DSOs procure conflicting ancillary services in the markets.
This tool optimizes the activation of flexibility, provided by both DSO assets (e.g. stationary storage and OLTC) and procured by the DSO in the ancillary services market, using the day ahead operation planning tool. The goal is to maintain the distribution network operating in a safe mode when forecasting errors occur, while minimizing OPEX and reducing environmental impacts
Even in the future energy systems, where communication technologies are expected to be much more developed and communication-enabled devices prominent, communication failures may still occur, preventing an accurate definition of the network operating state due to missing data. The coverage of distribution networks is a particular challenge due to their scale. This tool will allow estimating the operating state of the network with minimal available information (by estimating the net load in each node of the grid) and thus enable the usage of all the tools developed for networks operation even when there is lack of data.
This tool is an evolution of the conventional Deterministic Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow (SCOPF), which will be enhanced to be a multi-temporal SCOPF under forecast uncertainty. The tool will enable the TSO to procure ancillary services (congestion management, voltage control and frequency control) on a 24-h ahead basis. Additionally, the TSO/DSO coordination mechanisms will be used together with this tool to avoid that TSOs and DSOs procure conflicting ancillary services in the ancillary services markets.
This tool will be used to optimize the activation of flexibility, provided by both TSO assets (e.g. stationary storage and capacitors banks) and procured by the TSO in the ancillary services market, using the day-ahead operation planning tool. The goal is to maintain the transmission network operating in a safe mode when forecasting errors occur, while minimizing OPEX and reducing environmental impacts.
This tool will perform a security assessment of transmission networks considering both static (i.e. voltages and currents) and dynamic constraints (i.e. stability) violations caused by N-1 contingency analysis.

The performance platform for
smarter energy systems.
ATTEST will participate in PowerTech 2023 conference, which will be held in Belgrade, Serbia, on June 25-29.
WEBINAR | Open-source tools for TSO-DSO coordination
ATTEST will be featured in a presentation on “Techno-economic analysis of Microgrids – From off-grid to smart...
Just released: A novel two-stage TSO–DSO coordination approach for managing congestion and voltages
We can find two major issues hindering practical applicability of existing TSO–DSO coordination mechanisms,...
WEBINAR | Open-source tools for future power systems
ATTEST will be featured in a presentation on “Techno-economic analysis of Microgrids – From off-grid to smart...
ATTEST consortium met in Portugal
The ATTEST project has been running from the beginning of March 2020 and, due to travel restrictions and the...
CONFERENCE | 5-7 September 2022 On September 6th, 16h00 (GMT+2), our collegues from INESC TEC will be at...
CONFERENCE | 23-27 May 2022 On May 23rd, 16h30 (GMT+2), Dajana Vrbičić Tenđera (HOPS), Mirna Gržanić and Karlo...
Our researchers from INESC TEC have just published a new article on Elsevier. The paper “network-secure...
ATTEST will be featured in a presentation about innovative hybrid TSO-DSO coordination models in Europe and...
Mapping future power generation scenarios for Portugal, Croatia, and the UK
To support the development and performance evaluation of the ATTEST toolbox components, a set of relevant test...
ATTEST will be featured in a presentation on “Techno-economic analysis of Microgrids – From off-grid to smart...