WEBINAR | Resilience of Grid

Webinar | 19 March 2021 | 16:30 (GMT)
A collaborative webinar between CIGRE UK and ITALY NGN.
While the theme is a technical focus on the resilience of the grid, which is a topic in the spotlight, the webinar is also to promote young engineers/researchers’ participation in CIGRE. Recent blackouts in Texas brought the Grid Resilience into the front line again. If you are interested in quantifying the Grid Resilience and understanding how Grid Resilience is tackled in different countries, join us!
- 5min, Introduction to Italy NGN
- 5min, Introduction to UK NGN
- 20min, Dr. Luigi Calcara (University of Roma “La Sapienza”- Italy) ‘Heat waves effects on MV electrical grid’
- 20min, Dr. Eduardo Alejandro Martínez Ceseña (University of Manchester – UK) ‘Techno-economic modelling and assessment of forward resilience measures’
- 10min, Round table discussion
The registration to this webinar is free for all. Register here.